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Foto del escritor: Jorge ChapasJorge Chapas

(Artículo publicado originalmente el 4 de mayo de 2015. Mucho de su contenido aún tiene vigencia).

Pope Francis was very active this past week. On April 28 he received UN General Secretary, Ban Ki Moon, who was attending the summit “Protect the earth, dignify humanity. The moral dimension of climate change and sustainable development”, at the Pontifical Academy of Science. This seminar is part of the Vatican’s strategy to fight against climate change.

Fotografía: Aleteia.

Attending this event were personalities like Jeffrey Sachs, economist and global spokesperson of the climate alarmists and Rafael Correa, president of Ecuador, whose work pro socialism of 21st century continues to generate millions of poor people in that country. It also stands out the participation of the Religions for Peace organization; a “religious” organization, whose headquarters are located in the 9th floor of the UN building in New York City. This organization brings various religions together: roman-catholic, protestant, Buddhist, Hindu, catholic-orthodox and Jewish, among others.

This UN-Vatican alliance is not new or rare. I would say it’s a natural alliance. I want to believe that the Vatican’s motivations are genuine but I don’t think the UN’s are at all; through this media I have insistently denounce how the IPCC (the organization inside the UN that’s in charge of climate change) has been discover while manipulating data to justify the climate change cause by human activity “theory”. The Pope should know this and because of the evidence he should abstain from joining these perverse causes.

On the other hand, Earth’s resources should be administered responsibly and that effectively entails a moral character, not just because they are part of Creation but because these resources are ours and for us to use.

If human activity is causing environmental degradation and deterioration it is necessary to implement some measures to avoid that, but the implicit moral character compels us to do it responsibly. The problem is that these guardians of the moral-environmental, that now includes Pope Francis, base their discussion and solutions in a theory that is more questionable each day and the worse is that they reject any disagreement, like science wasn’t a constant subject to the try and error rigor. Why didn’t they invited to this Summit scientist like Willie Soon or Craig Idso, or religious men like Calvin Beisner or Reverend Robert Cirico, or politicians like Christopher Monckton or Václav Klaus or economists as renowned as Gabriel Calzada or Terry Anderson? Ignorance or lack of humility?

We should inform Pope Francis and all the Catholic hierarchy that carbon emissions are directly related to the prosperity of the world. To higher consumption/emission of carbon dioxide bigger is the life expectancy, lower is child mortality and bigger is the per capita income (Source: Gapminder). We should also tell them that technological revolution and innovation could be important bastions in poverty reduction and misery and that these are not per se a threat to humanity. That inequality, that he so rejects, that wealth or profits are not bad by themselves, that we have to produce to enrich others and that because “God created man in His own image and likeness” we have to create and produce first so we could actually help others. We should tell him that the measures that will come out of that Summit, and that surely will be the basis of his next encyclical regarding the climate, would have an effect on more statism and that is immoral, because to use compulsive means against activities, that are not criminal, like commerce, is immoral and unjust. What Sachs and Ban Ki Moon proclaim are bigger governments that always demand more taxes, legally stealing the fruit of hard work, human ingenuity and creativity. And that is the cause for the lack of investment and jobs and, consequently, more poverty, marginalization and violence. If what worries Pope Francis is world misery, the best way to collaborate would be to demand that the governments stop “to lord it” (Marcus 10:42) of nations, and of course, he would have to set the example by not allowing that those “that dictate unjust laws and prescribe tyranny” (Isaiah, 10:1), like Correa does, have an influence on his exhorts.

The 8th commandment says “You shall not give false testimony” (Exodus 20:16) and regrettably neither Pope Francis nor his advisers are setting the example. From this media, I exhort the hierarchy of the Catholic Church, from Guatemala and Latin America, and all the other religions of the world for peace that they embrace the gifts or prudence, science and understanding so you can guide your believers in these times. I invite you to visit The Heartland Institute and check out the reality about environmental and energy problems and share your opinion with your community priest, minister or your pastor, and tell him what you expect from his spiritual leadership.


Guatemala, 28 de enero de 2023.


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